Video Gallery
This video is about straight rollers versus Micks Winch curved rollers for boat anchor drum winches.
test done in 50mtrs green balloon on rope is 50 mtr mark.
note only aprox 70 mtrs of rope on this drum faster operatation with 125 mtrs of 8mm nylon aprox speeds in excess of 1 mtr per second more than enough to please any unimpatient angler
“A fisherman looking after fishermen”
Contact Mick
Ph : 0422 339 350
Burton Sa
There are NO electronic rams to fill with water, levers,split pins,nylon bushes that need lubricating or gadgets with extra switches or wires to corrode out in the salt water environment on a Micks Winch so that’s less to go wrong .
Good Regular maintenance on your boat and general servicing will see you have” PLEASURABLE” boating
“Still proudly made in South Australia”
Free quotations and repairs to other brands of Drum winches also available
How to splice rope to the chain

Burton, SA
Good Regular maintenance on your boat and general servicing will see you have” PLEASURABLE” boating
“Still proudly made in South Australia”